Biggest Myths About Recruiting That We Want to Bust

Recruiters are obviously important in helping people find jobs and advance in their careers. But because recruiting is such a questionable field and there is so little excellent writing on the subject, most of us have no idea what is going on in the background. Regarding recruiters and the hiring process, there are many myths. Candidates often complain to one another, spread rumors, and offer support to one another because hiring seems to be a secretive process. We at recruitment agency in Faridabad want to dispel some common myths about the recruiting process in this article. Here are some of the most widespread recruiting myths, along with some of the supporting evidence. 1. There is a candidate who fits the bill of a unicorn The idea of a "perfect candidate" is purely random. What one hiring manager may deem "ideal" may not be the same for another. The truth is that these types of candidates, like "unicorns," are frequently fantastical beings ...